Is thera a Panacea in Data Warehousing? 

Unfortunately not - there always are a lot of promises, but the "Holy Grail" still seems to remain undiscovered.
Please find below some of the current trends in the DWH/BI area.


Data Vault 

Started in the 90ies as a method for modelling a standardized staging process, it now was extended with Data Vault 2.0 to a methodology to implement the whole DWH stack in a standardized way combined with other etablished procedures (Agile Project Management, TDQM),
From my point of view, the problem of the "last mile" still exists - designing and loading the mart layer of a data warehouse.


In Memory Databases 

SAP-Hana was the first column-oriented database that was advertised to be used for operational systems. Other Competitors like Oracle and DB2 (BLU) did follow soon.
As far as I have seen, the hope to be able to do all reporting and analysis directly on the operational data remaind a dream. Besides this, In-Memory Databases are very helpful in Data Warehousing.


Datawarehosing in the Cloud 

There are a lot of Vendors of Cloud Based  Data Warehouse Solutions (Amazon Red Shift, Microsoft Azure, Snowflake to name a few). These systems are a kind of revival of the DWH Appliances, without their disadvantages. They all use column-oriented databases and due to the ability to in- or decrease the computing power immediately, they offer a great flexibility. Clients don't need to maintain own hardware. On the other hand, clients might have to struggle with data privacy topics.
The idea of solutions without much need for administration seems to be the most successful approach, so my bet is on Snowflake to be one of the top competitors in this area.
From a technical view, cloud computing looks like the future for data warehousing.
But of course it won't solve the non-technical challenges in Data Warehouse projects.